Expert contracting teams, working with clients to deliver zero carbon real estate and a sustainable tomorrow.
Get in touchWith increasing market data on the value of sustainable building features it’s becoming a necessity for landlords and investors to take action against the growing climate crisis – even if that action is merely to avoid ‘brown discounts’ and negative valuation impacts.
Occupiers are demanding more from their buildings, including gas-free environments, and many are willing to pay a ‘green premium’ for properties with on-site renewable energy and energy-efficient features.
Research and market evidence shows Property Funds and Building Owners who have implemented asset enhancement strategies have seen positive rental shift and tightening yields, leading to increased portfolio valuations.
Offices which have been retrofitted or refurbished from EPC C (or lower) to EPC B (or above) have seen the gap to prime rental levels narrow significantly.
Vantage was created to be a total solution provider – delivering all of these bespoke enhancement services as a comprehensive package. We design and deliver all of our retrofit enhancements in-house, undertaking the works on-site as Principal Contractor.
With a fixed price and outcomes underwritten by the initial audit process, we are the best choice for clients looking to put sustainability goals into action.
Contact usOur Services
Evaluate the potential for renewable energy solutions across your portfolio. Our team undertake full feasibility and installation services helping you off-set dependency on grid supplied energy.
Eliminate fossil fuels from your portfolio energy mix and transition to cleaner energy solutions such as VRF or centralised Heat Pumps. Our team identify and implement turn-key design and build strategies that decarbonise your portfolio ensuring you and your occupiers reap the benefits from a fully electric building.
Discover the true operational energy profile of your buildings with our sub-metering devices. Our devices can be installed without the need for isolations, providing clients with rapid visibility of plant and equipment usage patterns, very often leading to significant energy savings and lowering service charge fees.
Whilst LED lighting has been around for some time, it remains one of the most impactful ways of lowering energy use and associated costs. Our team designs and installs advanced systems equipped with daylight and presence controls to reduce unnecessary energy usage. By integrating natural lighting and innovative technology, we help lower energy bills, minimise waste, and create brighter, more sustainable spaces.
Empower your properties with future-proof EV charging infrastructure. From feasibility studies to installation, we deliver bespoke solutions tailored to your building’s needs. Enable tenants and visitors to charge their electric vehicles conveniently, supporting the transition to a greener, low-carbon future.